Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Cause Of Pain On Left Back Above Waiste

Toyohashi meets Tokyo and Tine told a little (just a little) from their "tremendously interesting" life in Japan


I know I always take my time writing something. I'm just lazy and stressed out when I get home from work, I did not really want me to sit at the computer and write some crap whisked so. I'll do better if I have to do anything to work, such as NOW.

Yes, what is with me as happened recently? At work, I could take the designer part. My boss has started a new company, which technical affairs of the GBC does. That is in plain text, the GBC will be devoted only to beer sales and the purchase and sale of breweries. The BET (Beverage Equipment Technology) is dedicated to it, the sale of technology that you need to brew beer, the import and export of raw materials and other. For this new company now had yet to be done. In the register it is already, but lacked the logo for example. The logo also fax or letter templates, business cards and company brochure. But I was so responsible. again, nothing is really heavy, it just requires only creativity and a good drawing program, and I could not serve with the latter! That is why the Logo has become something very simple. My boss likes that. Not to me personally! But it's not my business, but if they were, I would have otherwise taken. Menno * * And although, as already mentioned, any really serious, important task was, but I have noticed that I am involved in decisions. I am only an intern but my boss has always asked myself, in my opinion and let me complete freedom in designing.

Yes, otherwise in my company is being done. But in the company next to us. The fight is because all you are, you, man. A Bad Girls. And I've heard, it probably all started with noodle soup. One wonders but whether the water was too hot! I am glad that the most exciting what is happening with us, that the secretary and I once again expired food in the fridge to dig that has anyone ordered and forgotten simply, we'll figure what for could well be so and our main Final upset but only on these lavish estates. * LUCKY *

Well, and otherwise? The people from Toyohashi were visiting. They had probably free, this pig, and do nothing and wanted to visit a real city. Mariko and I have picked up Ingrid, Tom, Andrea and her boyfriend on the Tokyo train station and then same time to Shinjuku entered into a Isakaya. Unfortunately we had not much time traveling from 0:00 clock so no more tracks. Torsten and André I then simply taken back to my GE
and OF COURSE we missed the last train from Meguro to my house and had to take a taxi. (This happened to me not the first time ..* grmpf *) The three that is not quite as expensive. Arriving at me, then had to endure all for my two Konbini tour, because I really wanted to buy cigarettes, but which will be sold only in a single Konbini with me. After half an hour we were once in my little cubbyhole and we have a few beers approved.
On Saturday, I then simply Torsten and André referenced times brazenly out of my apartment (well, they wanted to look at Tokyo and I am a bad host and go with just because I hate tourist tours like nothing else in the world. I'm also sorry for the two ... it was not meant evil ... * slime, slime *) Thus, while Tony and Andre were gone, I'm concerned about beer for the upcoming birthday party of Lars and hit me with a girlfriend. We then just walked through my neighborhood. Crazy how many mountains are there! Later I met up with Tony and we went together to Souka. Yes there was Lars party. Very funny it was! I was say something ... drunk ... (Where something is some understatement), so I left 4:30 settled in Flos bed because my eyes just did not want to be left open. I was awakened by something then 5 clock Flo, because the trains were running again and Torsten and I wanted to go home / should. Was just not enough room for everyone. At 7 we were with me. I just wanted to SLEEP. Well, the first 4 hours was my plan also, but thought then any clock by 11 monks, they would noisily pass by my window and disturb my sleep!
Yes, I think Tom and I then end, such as to be standing by 14 clock. Then we were just at Starbucks and then has to Carsten Torsten and Flo made I think. I'm so (I refer to the location in the text above with the poor hostess) stayed home and did everything else made a sensible things. In the evening we were eating then briefly. God, I was TIRED! I was also glad to be home. Only I have always been a problem: As soon as I arrive home, I'm awake.

Torsten stayed until Tuesday afternoon. I had to work and could take care of me so now all any more, even if I wanted to, but I think he still had his fun. It should again be said that I really am sorry that I am a bad hostess, but I hope that Tony and the other their residence has fallen in the city anyway. * Hope *

Otherwise I can only say that my life is actually quite boring. I wake up every day at 8:15, sometimes later if I oversleep. Then I get ready, leave my house, and come 9:20 9:31 into the track. Before I buy one my coffee and my lunch in Konbini. 10:00 starts work at about 14:10 I take my lunch break and then work until 18:00. Then I leave the office direction at home and stay there all evening until Mudi, one of the residents of the Guest Houses comes and we go jogging. Occasionally I meet after work with some friends for dinner, but this is more rare. It's just how life in Germany, only in Japanese, with all the Japanese characteristics, which make it interesting, although written or told just are not really funny. Sorry!

So, do not expect too many exciting stories. (I try but ...)

goodbye with these words I am for this time


PS: I'm busy looking for funny things that is in Japan can buy, but until now it is just garbage, nothing really funny, so must the other post "strange things from Japan" probably need some time be left. (^_^)

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Exercise And Herpes Worse

strange things from Japan

Yes, I have nothing for a while longer given to the best, but I had to work a lot and then was added also my boundless laziness! (> _ <) Aber jetzt ein neuer Eintrag... Das soll für all diejenigen sein, die nicht wirklich wissen, in was für einem kranken Land ich mich aufhalte, für all diejenigen, die dass schon immer wussten und sich nur noch mehr wundern wollen und für meine Kommilitonen, die mit mir gemeinsam dieses VÖLLIG DURCHGEKNALLTE Land besuchen müssen. Viel Spaß

PS: I'll add all this blog entry ever ... so from time to time looking for the entry (*^__^*)
PSS. http://www.thomas-golnik.de / japan/04.html For all my fellow students who are in Japan, or even want to go here. Take a look at this and just think about it after!

, why not? YES , right! A HELLO KITTY TEMPLE. We all know and love them (I do not go !!!), but not too far ...?!

you want to know what that is? GUESS WHAT! I promise you, it never gets on. But this much should be said, there is this "what-and-always-there-be-like" in different colors ... see below and it costs 819 yen. (About 5 €)

Yes, you guessed it. It is electronic bubble wrap. To reduce stress. I've even read the text on the original page and after pressing the 100 times is not the noise that bubble wrap is usually on his own. It then comes a dog barking or the mewing of a cat. SICK!

And because Japan can still be sick ..... even more:

for the notorious workaholic. The USB toothbrush! An electronic toothbrush, which is USB powered. And for just 1280 yen (about 7.85 €).

Yes, I really have some fun. And I must be the shit! If that does not take home are the originals. (^^')

And continues: Yes, Tina was back in the Internet the way and was looking for crazy things that you can buy in Japan or to look there. All of pointless to completely sick.

The Sushi Pillows. Yes, there is in Japan. And so the sushi fanatics can now embed finally on his favorite food. For those who want to have something here the Internet address: http://www.theoriginalsushipillow.com/nigiri.html
I think, we can ship the sushi pillow too, so people always ran the fish! Muhaha ....

Then waited humanity. Finally there are the F-cup Tea and F-cup pudding. YAY (R-Cup in Germany by the way acted as a C cup.)
The miracle substance from the plant Pueraria Mirifica is to provide the remainder of the desired growth. In the treated tailändischen Medicine one that menopausal symptoms. (I have a little bit after this plant Googled: This is a miracle herb It helps old women return to menstruation and old men go back to being young and strong Unbelievable Who wants to know more (or want to embellish, just his day with laughter... ), should read some good information on Wikipedia)

And now's. The world's weirdest USB drives ever ... (*^_^*)

My favorite USB flash drive is still the Barbie, which you can separate the head. (^_^)

And this is my little digression for This time also almost finished.
But an anecdote, I then after all.

OUT: Car-Sharing IN: Umbrella sharing

A group of Japanese students has now called the umbrella-sharing: Around Shibuya (Tokyo) are in different places bucket with particularly marked umbrellas. So when it's raining now in Japan, you can rent them. Who the Regenschirma even then returning again, but gets Earth Day Money and for that you get some time somewhere a hot coffee or something.

meaning and purpose behind the commitment: If the community strengthen and benefit the environment. This

Project is called the way Shibukasa (from Shibuya and Kazakh).

Do I say something? I think this blog entry speaks for itself. So, until next time

And once again I found something that pleases the eye and causes the mouth to smile.

Heart-shaped cucumber ...

Should have made headlines, according to my information last year. Now you can buy them too. Then the world has been waiting for! Even at 105 yen, the Japanese housewife cooking her pleasure . Increase

These sweet pickles are made from 9 women who call themselves "Stick Ojaru Heart", in Chiba.

For all who are interested in how something hinbekommt and would like to try in your garden: Take a heart-shaped or star-shaped - optionally, I prefer also try something different, there are no creative limits - plastic mold and bring this form the stem of the plant. Who can not imagine ... below are pictures!

And you can now do with the cute vegetables:

Is not that wonderful?

That should be enough for today

Friday, October 5, 2007

Funny Things To Write On Cast


I probably should apologize first, because I have almost 1 1 / 2 weeks if not the best. This was because I had to work and not a single day was before 0 clock at home. And that you are tired then you will understand well each ... (^ ^)
So, the work will be the topic. As some of you know already, I work in a beer company. In order to market the beer better, it can happen even before, that we (by which I mean GBC) organize catering events. In just such a help I should.
We were represented at a trade show. That is, we do not know ... It was a pressure gauge and we were rolling in for the company MAN Roland to throw in the catering. The whole was then about place as follows: Each day there were 4 or 5 shows, the latest printing machine in which potential customers should be presented. Afterwards, the guests then arrive in the catering area and supplied here by us with drinks and food are.
That may sound simple now, but there were a good German said the first 3 - 4 days a living hell. We were expecting about 30 guests per show. In the beginning there were 40 or even 50 people ... so of course we had not counted on, and so constantly had to leave someone water, cola, or get other, because we would otherwise have expired with it. It was so much going on that I do not even have time to eat or to smoke (T_T). Smoking was not even in it ... And after a day's work did my feet hurt so much that I would have chopped off the most. Now you can (>_>)
you imagine how happy I was when the clock rang at 17:00 closing time melody. (Sounds in Japan at closing always the same tune. The simple an Irish folk song has taken, or was it Scottish?, Play it slow, finished closing time music ... JAPANESE! Jeez!) Well, I thought, but even I would have for now. In truth, after the German company MAN Roland came to us and wanted to drink their evening beer. (If yes a beer company!)
I had to do and indeed much else also had to be really long, but by and large has done a lot of fun. I mean, first I came so quickly to terms with the time difference and secondly, I enjoy when I have to do. Particularly amusing was always when people came to drink their beer after the close ... Were really funny people and the atmosphere was then not so tense. (^ ^)
I have also met two very dear Japanese women with whom I'm meeting more often. Aya, the guests the seats allocated and Shouko I stood behind the bar and have served the guests. (*^_^*)
Oh, and my first "experience" with the Japanese men have collected, if one can call it that. They go really off on all that is blond and has more breasts than cup size A. Unbelievable! I was twice told that they would marry me on the spot, once one has asked me to e-girlfriend to be (so a 40 year old man .. * cough * NO, THANKS!) And otherwise called me all Tine -chan. (In German as: Tina, but it sounds more in old men ... we say, slightly dirty, if they say it.)

Here are photos:

the bar, behind which I stood. ^ ^

This was the entrance. Through the entrance with the orange frame came in the guests. The girls in white dresses, have them then assigned to the squares and then everything in the room again made up. The men in the suits which were by Japanese vendors.


first to come soon more information on Tines nightlife and strange encounters with people from the island.

Until then

Tine ^ ^

Adjust Flame Gas Furnace

My room

This is my small kitchen area (from my door just to the right location)

This is the "cabinet" that separates the room. (Just in front of the door)

(!!!), My bed is just behind the supposed "cabinet"

My (non-existent) closet is just a bar (T_T) depends directly on the bed

As you can see, it is not really big, but it's just when you know that one will live there for only one year. (The bathroom I share with me the other inhabitants of the house)
located near my apartment to everything else, what the Human need. A number of shops to eat a 100 yen shop, a Konbini (my favorite place to shop) and a supermarket, hairdressers also without end. (^ ^)
Oh, and my door is a kind dog salon. At the beginning I've always wondered why so many Japanese women with their "dogs" (so 'ne little rats) here constantly by the other rage, but now I finally know why! (Did I mention that I not stand these little dog to death can?)

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Mary L Couture Dresses

alien registration receipt, account, and ridiculous, Japanese women

Today I went to pick up my alien registration certificate. Well, pick up is good, it takes about a month until you have the mop. But I just needed a confirmation to open a Japanese bank account to which I then paid my salary * happy *, is that I can pay my apartment.
I wanted to actually go alone at first. I'm glad I did not do it. One would indeed think that at the immigration office at least speaks a little English. Um, NO! But that test I could do what I do and it was actually an astonishing amount. Of course, not every word but the meaning! has * * knock on the shoulder of the rest to me then my "interpreter" (Secretary of the Company, good English and not so botched stuff) speaks translated. That has not really taken a long time, so we are then directly to a bank. The
was, shall we say .... KANJI ULTRA. I could hardly read what I had to fill out the form. At the counter, I then understood what back. I found particularly strange that one can choose their own PIN code. (Oo)
When we then went back to the company, I have sometimes looked a little people. And me three things struck.

first ALL women are totally disabled. Always nice to great uncle. I once heard that it will be cute ... IT IS NOT

second Most women wear too high heels, which can not run it. Plus of course ridiculous. * Silence *

third Why do the women wear here, the bags are not just like any normal Man in the hand or over your shoulder? They carry with the crook of the arm. And all the time. Apart from the fact that it hurts total, when the handle drilled in the flesh, it looks modest.

Well, all I could bear it today, so I'll finish it this entry.
morning, then goes to work.

Until then

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

What Can I Use As A Heat Protected Mat

Why Japan can not come to me?

That's sometimes a good question, right? In itself, the trip to Japan, yes even a real adventure, if only these 13-hour flight would not be. And the early start. Did I mention that I hate to have to clock up 5 crawl out of bed?

But that in itself is all went well, apart from the little mishap at the London airport. My fellow passengers are well know what I'm talking ... Lars wanted to pick up some chocolate, so he has food for the nerves in Japan for the first time. Course .... There was still enough time, because the masses were just starting to check in and the road itself was not far away. However, when the lobby was always empty and we were then told that the aircraft will start in 5 minutes and Lars after about 30 minutes still not there was because I began slowly to worry. Then, Florian and I also said that we are bound to Lars and that if he does not come, we will not get away. Yes, I believe in these minutes have I lost 5 years of my life. And you can not imagine how happy I was when Lars came geflitzt FINALLY around the corner. (The delay was not his fault. There had probably the management missed the airport and just blocked the whole course. Not the people to their gates need and aircraft departing without them! NEVER AGAIN LONDON. What a mess PART

But as I said, by and large, was yes, then everything arrived in order,

Airport Tokyo / Narita, I was met by my boss. Total nice guy speaks much of himself and is very extravagant in his stories, but he is fully in order.

as it may, I learned then, that work to the company where I intend to be totally restructured. That is why I was then offered that I could be in the vicinity of Sapporo!! My comment: "Um, nice, but no thanks!" But we'll see what comes Sun That should probably decide everything in January.

Then it was on ... we wanted to go to my new apartment ... and pay for (rent, deposit, fire insurance). The problem: I do not think that with 10,000 yen (about 70 €), the pay everything. Because in my wisdom I had of course only for the first few days with money. But think! (;_;) So now I had a big problem because without money, no home, no home ... STREET! Some people think there is, perhaps, "Mh, one must have once made," but I do not belong to these people.

In the end we finally can settle everything, my boss, told the guy I would have to fear so much money around with me, so I wanted to pay by bank transfer. Now has over my grandma (thank you Grandma, love you) the money and I have an apartment.

My room is small but actually quite comfortable. I do not have cockroaches or giant spiders and no other vermin. A bed (very comfortable) and a kitchenette. The shower must I side with my tenants (have not seen one ...) to share the toilet and also, like the washing machine and dryer. But okay, that's all I have to report today. Indeed sufficient for now.

Today I will go to the company, then get a registration form for foreigners (if anybody thought that we schmo that word again would need?) And open up a Japanese account. We'll see how funny that is when Tine alone will do something ..

Until then, ne

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Money Wedding Shower Poem

Two days

Two more days, then finally the last few be fools in Japan ...

Am I excited? No not a bit, because I know what to expect. I will be picked up by

airport ... from my new boss (a German) and may be equal to the first working day.

I bet I need at least two weeks until I can finally start unpacking.

We'll see what is coming so on me. Let's see wie'n Flitzebogen