Yes, I have nothing for a while longer given to the best, but I had to work a lot and then was added also my boundless laziness! (> _ <) Aber jetzt ein neuer Eintrag... Das soll für all diejenigen sein, die nicht wirklich wissen, in was für einem kranken Land ich mich aufhalte, für all diejenigen, die dass schon immer wussten und sich nur noch mehr wundern wollen und für meine Kommilitonen, die mit mir gemeinsam dieses VÖLLIG DURCHGEKNALLTE Land besuchen müssen. Viel Spaß
PS: I'll add all this blog entry ever ... so from time to time looking for the entry (*^__^*)
PSS. / japan/04.html For all my fellow students who are in Japan, or even want to go here. Take a look at this and just think about it after!
, why not? YES , right! A HELLO KITTY TEMPLE. We all know and love them (I do not go !!!), but not too far ...?!
you want to know what that is? GUESS WHAT! I promise you, it never gets on. But this much should be said, there is this "what-and-always-there-be-like" in different colors ... see below and it costs 819 yen. (About 5 €)
Yes, you guessed it. It is electronic bubble wrap. To reduce stress. I've even read the text on the original page and after pressing the 100 times is not the noise that bubble wrap is usually on his own. It then comes a dog barking or the mewing of a cat. SICK!
And because Japan can still be sick ..... even more:
for the notorious workaholic. The USB toothbrush! An electronic toothbrush, which is USB powered. And for just 1280 yen (about 7.85 €).
Yes, I really have some fun. And I must be the shit! If that does not take home are the originals. (^^')
And continues: Yes, Tina was back in the Internet the way and was looking for crazy things that you can buy in Japan or to look there. All of pointless to completely sick.
The Sushi Pillows. Yes, there is in Japan. And so the sushi fanatics can now embed finally on his favorite food. For those who want to have something here the Internet address:
I think, we can ship the sushi pillow too, so people always ran the fish! Muhaha ....
Then waited humanity. Finally there are the F-cup Tea and F-cup pudding. YAY (R-Cup in Germany by the way acted as a C cup.)
The miracle substance from the plant Pueraria Mirifica is to provide the remainder of the desired growth. In the treated tailändischen Medicine one that menopausal symptoms. (I have a little bit after this plant Googled: This is a miracle herb It helps old women return to menstruation and old men go back to being young and strong Unbelievable Who wants to know more (or want to embellish, just his day with laughter... ), should read some good information on Wikipedia)
And now's. The world's weirdest USB drives ever ... (*^_^*)
My favorite USB flash drive is still the Barbie, which you can separate the head. (^_^)
And this is my little digression for This time also almost finished.
But an anecdote, I then after all.
OUT: Car-Sharing IN: Umbrella sharing
A group of Japanese students has now called the umbrella-sharing: Around Shibuya (Tokyo) are in different places bucket with particularly marked umbrellas. So when it's raining now in Japan, you can rent them. Who the Regenschirma even then returning again, but gets Earth Day Money and for that you get some time somewhere a hot coffee or something.
meaning and purpose behind the commitment: If the community strengthen and benefit the environment. This
Project is called the way Shibukasa (from Shibuya and Kazakh).
Do I say something? I think this blog entry speaks for itself. So, until next time
And once again I found something that pleases the eye and causes the mouth to smile.
Heart-shaped cucumber ...
Should have made headlines, according to my information last year. Now you can buy them too. Then the world has been waiting for! Even at 105 yen, the Japanese housewife cooking her pleasure . Increase
These sweet pickles are made from 9 women who call themselves "Stick Ojaru Heart", in Chiba.
For all who are interested in how something hinbekommt and would like to try in your garden: Take a heart-shaped or star-shaped - optionally, I prefer also try something different, there are no creative limits - plastic mold and bring this form the stem of the plant. Who can not imagine ... below are pictures!
And you can now do with the cute vegetables:
Is not that wonderful?
That should be enough for today