to the educational debate: a structural approach school and school policy - an issue where apparently everyone has something to contribute, and - what is truly remarkable in it - apparently also wants
. now like in my case added to add that I was just a short term time teachers and quite seriously thought about it my day job to do and that is a quasi-personal-historical interest in the've mathematics - is essential but, rather, that any such person in any manner is. whether in primary form in the extended three
Oedipal eick - parents, faculty, child - or secondary, as a former student and now as taxpayers in / in. depending on the type of stakeholders, a different discourse-level efforts and depending on the position in the oedipal triangle in each discourse different motivations striking:
- the faculty (and its lobby) tends positions to take that first, the status quo ( vested right ) receive and secondly structurally to an appreciation the lead professional, and therefore the school in general - are some examples for this position Neugebauer / Riegel / ... to note here is, unfortunately, that the teachers' Union reveals very little ambition to contribute constructively to the discussion ...
- the position of parents is particularly characterized by the fact that they for their offspring the best possible want to achieve. Mind you, their kids - not necessarily all of the kids. as standard-bearer of this orientation, the Austrian People's Party, with her training concept profiled. and therefore the alliance cemented by the AHS faculty. with their self-understanding as a civil party, it is the People's Party has always been a middle-class and the rest via a separate civil training device - ie gymnasium - to promote, why abandon it represents an absolute impossibility. he or clarifying phrase, the connection found in this application is: pabulum. the fact there can not, for then indeed would probably all have the same opportunities. you want but certainly not all be because it would then not for their own offspring the best possible has been achieved. It should also not be claimed that this would be a position that is only supported by the Austrian People's Party of pork, on the contrary, this position will probably even majority popularity.
- as the Students' Union is largely organized in the run-party organizations, party-line positions corresponding to substantially each. a neutral lobby and advocacy is not set up and probably unwanted (An interesting side note: the concept of education AKS is by far extensive and detailed than the one with pomp by the ÖVP recently published, is also characteristic that can be found at the student union not like).
- comments and reflections, whose goal is to develop a future based on our own students experience prospects for a possible, usually lacking in factual knowledge and reality. that the school system has not changed much since the 70s, does not change the fact that school-try means and ambitious staff very good results achieved in the existing system were. However, based on the efforts of individual and do not follow a logical system. nevertheless recalls the flood of comments in each debate contribution to the dictum that Austria has so many football coaches and male residents.
- from big macroeconomic point of view as taxpaying remember more interested in the relation input / output. if the PISA study as a measure of output is hergenommen, I mean just that a country's spending on schools ranked in the top third of comparable states, with services aufscheint in the lower third. so no one can be satisfied. is, understandably, to rebut this argument, the PISA study-discredited itself - which it will save you, to talk about the results and possibly inescapable to derive (eg, the study in the People's Party concept with no word mentioned).
an absolutely essential factor in the education policy debate is still the frame relevance in a possible administrative reform - discussion we recall the
whether teachers hinkünftig entirely in the hands of well-meaning country-and fathers-to be passed mother. they are in form seemingly insignificant question is the outcome of the discussion about the future of our school is highly relevant, namely because it appears the structural issue (who decides on the teachers' Union?) in the party-political context: the ÖVP Chairman (The same is true of the Social Democratic Party) can at this question never jump over the shadow of his provincial governors - if they want, then he has to do. which in turn are taken into account because it is partisan politics to give the faculty more.
so how to deal with this very delicate situation?
would provide what a responsible school and education concept to stakeholders were given above chance also have to realization?
perhaps must, as Peter Michael Lingens
running be accepted that the best school simply does not exist, it likely comes to persevere in the - at least seemingly - to work right direction. and possibly can really be happy about it, just once, that the Austrian People's Party-training concept, at least in part, as a step in the right direction can be interpreted
. instead Stood Still, small steps.
but runs the risk of losing this logic to the big picture in mind. would indeed be important, first of all to clarify times what expectations actually approached the school to be taken, for which the school must serve hinkünftig ... What image of society is to be transported through this school? what are the conditions that the standards students about the standard student are highlighted? how much attention and funding
experiences he / she is at home, what role does the school? tuition is part of the system? or has the school failed
if students need tutoring? derived from the answer to these questions might a school profile, and thus develop requirements for the teachers' Union, which in turn would be responsible for training logic authentic.
after it but illusory, is that the two parties can agree to the above question in the answer, it's probably best to do small steps, danger on the way to go sometimes in circles ...