Monday, November 29, 2010

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Wolfgang Lorenz Memorial Prize in 2010 at Morgan Joseph Ostermayer

as a jury member I had the pleasure to unprecedented at the weekend, the eulogy to keep the Austrian Federal Government adopted, namely for that of an ORF Act, which is not only an insult to toll payers in for all but the due to the lobbyierens of VÖZ also the Fuzo was sacrificed.

was representative of these, unfortunately, once again urösterreichische not
solution for WOLO2010 Secretary of State for Media Josef Ostermayer nominated.

here the copy of the award-speak:

after last year I had the honor to hold Directorate the eulogy for the ORF online - it seems more than logical this year the tables turn and to nominate those who are the conditions that created that was from the ORF that which now still Küniglberg and related to regional studios in 9:

a herd of elephants party accounts with matching, corresponding elefantengünstlinge and their parasites and the not so rare species of albinos, resident with offices beautiful promising, equipped and without pouvoir vouloir.

but it raises the question as it could only come to that? how could it happen that the identity of Austrian Central Institute for Information and kutlurkörperruine (copyright Gerd Bacher) degenerated?

the beginning was the word - and thus the necessity of the constitution of a new ORF Act, so that - as SPÖ leader Josef Cap forth in the national debate raised - the ORF by refund of license fees to continue their cause structural and saving concept and its leitmedienfunktion yet can meet successful. the newly installed media authority completely autonomous and independent, should state the appropriate use the fee revenue and the public service monitor.

and authority to appropriate authorities to act, was already in the tender made sure that lawyers can only advertise and lawyers. which means the public group. order is of a purely juridical point of view of monitoring.

which in turn is made clear that this authority is not also ensure that the Court criticized a lack of overall strategy - which has been submitted either by the Director General, has not yet called for by the trustees - will be developed. and has also ensured that the new authority and not that fit for work with regulatory decision-making body is equipped competence, which was demanded by the Court.

that is, the Director General will continue to report to a Board of Trustees, which alone is reason to be able to fulfill its size is not its tasks. or we have some tasks to understand it properly?

Armin Thurnher pointed falter in the central question as to the expected new ORF Act to decide as early as 2009 to the effect that it was a question whether the ORF will be the new one persuasion or seduction medium.

there any public medium for conviction of his ideas is medium, should be asking this question does not, however. should. because the ORF for the most part financed by advertising has, he is forced to commercialize, and thus - in direct consequence - to endanger the public order. so it is clear why this order-its formulation undergoes only very cautiously, alone on the basis of budgeting, the ORF as a hybrid between persuasion and seduction medium positioned and secured so the influence of the policy.

to get the necessary approval to the crossbreed of the political parties and interest groups to secure, then, was the highest-quality ORF
internet offer - namely the future zone - the Association of Austrian newspaper publishing, short VÖZ sacrificed.

ask for this unprecedented process to the absurd I wolo2010 for josef Ostermayer.


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