Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Brazilian Waxing Service In Delhi

pröll pröll: escape forward

j. pröll: think wiakli ...
e. pröll: Bualie show - de Voin gleichmocharei de, de Voin undiffarenzierte a unit mass, de Voin Unsan still grew to de tüakn Steckner ...
na! i net loss of zua! so i wos lifted long sogn zsamm, GEBN wiads koa gesomtschui! Sicha net!
the contrary: i einfian wead a aufnohmsprüfung füa the high schools so that the bleibn tschuschngfrasta in IHRA and our main shui Gleichner in the AHS is. woa scho imma the Sun - and so it muass bleibn.
j. pröll: no donn, uncle erwin, donn sucked because i trixi that into the papierl some writes ...

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Ncis - Kates Funeral Mp3

best of 2010 ... Thomas Pynchon

plate ... the annual hit parade of wecrosscountry ...

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Volleyball Quotes For Shirts

: natural defects

Thomas Pynchon's last novel, "inherent vice / natural defects, such as oil goes down. - LA in the late sixties, the early 70s. the flower children romp still raging Vietnam War and goes into the final round, charlie manson has instigated his girls a few pigs slaughtered and with land speculation, made large coal ... and the middle larry "doc" sportello, private investigator, responsible for LSD (localization, security check, detective), always easy breezy cool-ready claims, and the joint in his mouth. read like a conventional detective story in the footsteps of Hammett and Chandler outlined pynchon an LA amid extensive changes: real estate sharks define the geography makes new, harmless from heroin junkies drooling smoke pot, continuously in search of the next shot, the social fault lines hit directly between rich and poor in racial discrimination and street battles - in short, the summer of love gives way to a drab, conservative autumn. Against this background doc tries to solve his case: his ex-girlfriend asks him to her kidnapped lover michael wolf man - just one of those real estate sharks do with definition - to locate. even the attempt to find out who is this wolf man now, to possibly to get the idea of why he abducted could have been, raises many more questions than there are answers that doc but certainly not entirely prevent them can further ask to be submitted - only what can be put when asked again and again, the supposed knowledge is only part of the deception and, accordingly, Pynchon's novel, the story of a history ... pynchon at it's best!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Batterymaintainer Schematis

China Town, 1974

One of those films that have been long in a drawer, until he finally looks up and then asks why you have not done it right does not hurt. Also, I always wondered how an Oscar for the screenplay is possible only because of the assessment of the resulting film. This film shows it. The excellent screenplay is always present, so to speak, a really well-told film noir. Even the movie title is selected brilliant but rather symbolic. 10 of 10

Machete, 2010

Man this film does not then for pure nonsense when you know that he was initially only a fake trailer, a homage to the grindhouse films, but was then shot. Chech Marin I just look like since the Chech & Chong movies. De Niro makes salongfähig. make parts of Tarantin / Rodrigez-permanent staff about it. What more could you want. However, a hefty (18) grindhouse homage. 7 of 10

Inception, 2010

Even if he will remember the matrix, it is a great to be played for "new" idea in an action-thriller that particular species in dreams. Is less esoteric than you think and simply put awesome. Dicaprio I also took the first time in his role was and saw him not only as Babyface actor. 9 of 10

Before Sunrise, 1994

The film probably more dialogue than all the films I've seen together and has less action than all just this. The constant is also listening to quite tiring sometimes, but it is also a category of its own film. Two unknown meet and talk overnight. Beautiful, and yet not cheesy. Was nine years later continued: before sunset. 7 of 10

Monday, December 13, 2010

Wedding Centerpieces With Popery, Candles, Stones

13. December 2010 (Barsinghausen)

Good day, dear friends.

This graphic will think some of you already know what will be the subject of today's blog: Europe and the euro, more so the Eurocrats and their policies, but above all Berlusconi, himself crowned Emperor of the United Italy, which is not difficult to recognize even at today's graphics. In addition, the multi-media "New Duce" for three years increasing advances developed in the direction of Moscow, and sometimes even by insiders speak of a "love affair" between Berlusconi and Putin. But Berlusconi is still trying to find new partners in Rome to his imminent defeat in the forthcoming tomorrow to avoid a vote of confidence.

Italy, that country is one of the Teutonic enjoy travel so for some time to the so-called loose candidates in the euro zone. In addition to the already fallen Greece shake so now more than even the Irishman, who are already crawled under the protective umbrella. Moreover, even the first bricks fall out of the walls in Portugal and Spain. Recent candidates according to the New York Stock Exchange rumors Belgium and Italy - the last candy from America - the first of some major bets hedge funds on the withdrawal of some euro area countries from the common currency. That would be the end of that currency, while also the failure of Angela Merkel.

The end of Ms Merkel distinguished itself from the beginning of the decline of the FDP and leaving the coalition by Hamburg Ole von Beust. A man with the rank of prime minister, which his new friend is more important than the task in the Senate of the Hanseatic city can not be a reliable party for the Vice-Chancellor. It is altogether remarkable, with which more fragwüdigen Nonchalonce former prime minister house and yard, saying, leave office and task. Roland Koch is CEO of Bilfinger, of Rüttgers is rumored that he had "an iron" at RWE in the fire. However, what plans the next candidate Guido Westerwelle loose for a possible disaster in the coming year is unknown. But surprises are indeed in of our Republic is now the norm. So why not a not-leader of the Free Democrats? Mr. Kubicki already strongly suggests the drum of the FDP-apocalypse.

But back to the euro, which is again under pressure and - if we analysts - even more pressure will have to endure. As mentioned above, some hedge funds bet that next year some members of the euro zone are his / her resignation. For countries such as Greece, Ireland and Portugal that would certainly be the best as they could return to its earlier practice of inflationary debt policy with their respective currencies. would be for the people of the certainly the best, because a discharge would automatically re-introduction of national currency followed by the then newly created opportunity for depreciation against other currencies (including the euro). This would result for these countries, at least in the medium a chance to get back on solid financial floor and stabilize their budgets.

A much bigger problem, however, is emerging in the United States. This problem is in the printing press, the growing number of U.S. dollars pumped into the market in order both to stimulate the economy, keep the other hand the Chinese yuan in check. Between China and the U.S. is finally now nothing more than a currency war, which is literally going to lots that need to be revalued at the end. Background: China as estimated 700-800 billion U.S. dollars has assets in the U.S. to China have a higher rating than before, of course, incredible positive impact, while the U.S. would be penalized and corresponding losses would have won. Conversely, it would be the other way around, but in the same proportions.

This time enough for today, because we first want to wait for the development and of course the vote tomorrow in Rome. If this result is obtained, then I will also comment on the development and take a closer look at the emerging trend in Europe. This wish I love all my readers a wonderful evening and a friendly Buen Camino

Your Lothar

Sunday, December 5, 2010

How Much Does Stacy London Make A Year

05th December 2010 (Barsinghausen)

Greetings, friends in the villages.

Last night, it bets that been a dramatic and dangerous incident, not simply "bad luck" or similar should be dismissed. After all, a young man of his boundless enthusiasm has fallen victim. To my mind this brings together two behaviors that are not really well together: euphoria and emotion with almost limitless power will among the race candidates take on a permanent competition of TV broadcasters for audience. It can and may actually be true but when candidates are taken to betting services, although they can not assess the risk fully or calculate. The picture today shows the bets over time become more grotesque. Somehow this is also a clear indictment of Thomas Gottschalk and his editorial staff.

As the end it may, we wish the young man who is now in Dusseldorf in the intensive care unit, all the best and good luck to his recovery. Mr. Gottschalk should instead be simply whether his show to this, more than three decades of existing structures or for Today the company is current and whether the simple ratio of the battle stations such risks are still in vogue. In any case, the risk assessment seems not to be as consistent as it would be offered by the team of Gottschalk. If in doubt always per ratings. The counts in the price of the advertising minute. Moreover, even the very next morning by the parties to this fight television quotas given piece known. Extraneous and even a bit perverse far. Gottschalk's perspective I would already be very interested.

Another point also makes me worry. Roland Kaiser was so well lung transplant a few months ago. Some conversations with him before and after his surgery have made me doubt his attitude to transplantation. The doctors call this today adherence (formerly with Compliance ). I have been known early on that Mr. Kaiser was essentially an adverse view to a transplant. I am assuming that my readers are informed about it (setting his career, the final concert in Dresden, etc.). Probably all the more so people were surprised when in a few weeks ago comeback appearance Carmen Nebel was announced. A (medically) weak performance which showed Roland Kaiser obvious weaknesses. The pitch has changed a bit. Overall, it is of course wonderful that he was able to present eight months after his transplant way again. A public appearance after this rather short time is generally not free of risk, particularly in lung transplant recipients. Seems to me the desire for publicity and media coverage to be too strong and risk assessment together with the doctors (which are exactly the same as me) would in any case have been better.

Currently, my wife and I behind a four months lasting weight-loss odyssey us. And we both have already done a good bit of the road. My wife has now reduced to 10.7% of ursprünglichgen body weight; at to me it is minus 12.6%. The principle of " weight watchers " works for us perfectly and basically it's just a change in our diet has been. But our real goal is still a bit away. Our goals: my wife would arrive after one and a half years at 62 kg and my goal 68 to 70 kg who has to ask questions, be suggested. The best of these mail address, then there is a quick answer from us.

This, dear friends in the country, I wish you a wonderful, deep in the second Advent. Greetings to my readers and an equally friendly Buen Camino by Lothar