13. December 2010 (Barsinghausen)
Good day, dear friends. This graphic will think some of you already know what will be the subject of today's blog: Europe and the euro, more so the Eurocrats and their policies, but above all Berlusconi, himself crowned Emperor of the United Italy, which is not difficult to recognize even at today's graphics. In addition, the multi-media "New Duce" for three years increasing advances developed in the direction of Moscow, and sometimes even by insiders speak of a "love affair" between Berlusconi and Putin. But Berlusconi is still trying to find new partners in Rome to his imminent defeat in the forthcoming tomorrow to avoid a vote of confidence. Italy, that country is one of the Teutonic enjoy travel so for some time to the so-called loose candidates in the euro zone. In addition to the already fallen Greece shake so now more than even the Irishman, who are already crawled under the protective umbrella. Moreover, even the first bricks fall out of the walls in Portugal and Spain. Recent candidates according to the New York Stock Exchange rumors Belgium and Italy - the last candy from America - the first of some major bets hedge funds on the withdrawal of some euro area countries from the common currency. That would be the end of that currency, while also the failure of Angela Merkel. The end of Ms Merkel distinguished itself from the beginning of the decline of the FDP and leaving the coalition by Hamburg Ole von Beust. A man with the rank of prime minister, which his new friend is more important than the task in the Senate of the Hanseatic city can not be a reliable party for the Vice-Chancellor. It is altogether remarkable, with which more fragwüdigen Nonchalonce former prime minister house and yard, saying, leave office and task. Roland Koch is CEO of Bilfinger, of Rüttgers is rumored that he had "an iron" at RWE in the fire. However, what plans the next candidate Guido Westerwelle loose for a possible disaster in the coming year is unknown. But surprises are indeed in of our Republic is now the norm. So why not a not-leader of the Free Democrats? Mr. Kubicki already strongly suggests the drum of the FDP-apocalypse. But back to the euro, which is again under pressure and - if we analysts - even more pressure will have to endure. As mentioned above, some hedge funds bet that next year some members of the euro zone are his / her resignation. For countries such as Greece, Ireland and Portugal that would certainly be the best as they could return to its earlier practice of inflationary debt policy with their respective currencies. would be for the people of the certainly the best, because a discharge would automatically re-introduction of national currency followed by the then newly created opportunity for depreciation against other currencies (including the euro). This would result for these countries, at least in the medium a chance to get back on solid financial floor and stabilize their budgets. A much bigger problem, however, is emerging in the United States. This problem is in the printing press, the growing number of U.S. dollars pumped into the market in order both to stimulate the economy, keep the other hand the Chinese yuan in check. Between China and the U.S. is finally now nothing more than a currency war, which is literally going to lots that need to be revalued at the end. Background: China as estimated 700-800 billion U.S. dollars has assets in the U.S. to China have a higher rating than before, of course, incredible positive impact, while the U.S. would be penalized and corresponding losses would have won. Conversely, it would be the other way around, but in the same proportions. This time enough for today, because we first want to wait for the development and of course the vote tomorrow in Rome. If this result is obtained, then I will also comment on the development and take a closer look at the emerging trend in Europe. This wish I love all my readers a wonderful evening and a friendly Buen Camino Your Lothar
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