Friday, March 6, 2009

Untreated Hemorrhoids

07th March 2009 (fiscal health?)

Dear readers in the country, the health is obviously a strong and very lucrative business has become. Hard to believe, but after years of deficits, but our big one "operational" profit of around € 700 million made. The question is, can arise as the cash an "operational" profit.

even more strange, because as before sliding the GKVen a deficit in the billions before them. Even the much-cited health care reform our "Printen baking" Health Minister (which they can follow even rumors) is once again at the expense of the so-called "little man". Practiced since Gerhard Schröder redistribution from bottom to top in the meantime has had a situation arise in which, despite many people full-time employment feed their families can not and need to be bankrolled by the state (Hartz IV, etc.). The greater the income of the board members strengthening of health insurance, as they sometimes "not adjusted for 6 years" had been. This statement by the central association of GKVen is a slap in the face of the population. A very special insolence affords Mr. Funke , former CEO of Hypo Real Estate, which is currently supported by about 100 billion taxpayer-Euros by the government. Where this "Mr. Geldvernichter" but actually maintain remuneration despite its huge bust, which to some extent also resulting from its own incompetence.

These two examples (bonuses to directors and statutory health action of spark against HRE) are just two of many examples of the redistribution by the state and self-service in the state by many. Our lives are like the dance around the golden calf become. A " Gockelei " so to speak, like this little video clip shows quite good ("communication problems" and "irony" can exist).

But it's also completely different. Claudia Kotter, chairman of the "Young Heroes ," it has - done - as well as myself. It lives again and guides - as I do - a Association, which efforts to improve organ donation in Germany, as well this example shows. Organ donation in Germany is in two respects a sad topic. Last year, the life-saving organ donation have fallen in almost all provinces by 8.8%. This means that on average each day must die about four people, because the little fellow citizens to donate organs. A sad and shameful picture as I have often described. Nevertheless, this development can easily be described as tragic. We have the world in our country's leading transplant physicians the best transplant centers - and still fall Transplant numbers. First, because people are less willing to donate organs. But also because policy and GKVen the health of the people have more and more commercialized .

this development to the commercialization of health is perfidious and inhuman. Therefore, the current caricature of the IG Metall more than true and accurate, because people from the so-called "better-off groups" do not have these problems. You "buy" the health services that are less well-off people (at least 80% of the population) can not afford more because health has become a bazaar items . Karsten Vilmar said yes in 1998 the so-called (ironic) " socially acceptable early death " on. This dialectic but has kept in Berlin parliament quarters to this day and accurately describe the facts of the expensive health for the welfare state .

With these more thoughtful words, I wish my readers a good weekend and maybe a little sun, our policy has been clouded by their decisions and obscured. A friendly and still confident Buen Camino! Your Lothar

"Project Germany - Day 7


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