Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Kelly Kelly Wwe Has The Biggest Breasts
23rd 20th December 2009
Dear friends, dear readers of my blog, too I want to wish you all a beautiful and peaceful festival. These are associated with best wishes to all my readers for a healthy, happy and satisfying New Year. Admittedly, I have now - before the holidays - not done all that I had on the agenda, this was for me to do at home too much. Moreover, it is our right in Barsinghausen snowed heavily and mostly I had to get out three times a day to clear snow. Although a chore, but still required and can not be avoided. Result of which has now suffered a lot. Also on the things I wanted to write here. So I have this now postponed to January. January because Ewa and I make a couple of days right after Christmas holiday, Fohr. So today, in a nutshell: So you all once again a wonderful Christmas celebration with great food, great gifts, many friends and all the best possible health. For the new year 2010 we wish you good luck and happiness in all your ways. Until then, so a friendly Buen Camino! Your Lothar
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Tightening In The Chest
18th December 2009
On my " fourth birthday " I wish you a good tomorrow. Today, four years ago, I received my new lungs, me - thank God - powered correctly and easily with air. It is time, and publicly to think of my organ donor and his or his family to say thanks. I do this regularly, while one in 20 December since my transplant is a very special day already. In these four years, with the new organ for me my lungs become something unique, which I feel deeply connected. From this relationship is for me arose an obligation, from which I do advertising for organ donation, where advertising is actually a misnomer. It would be better to give information, explanations and statements, for the majority of the population knows much too little about organ donation. The diagnosis of brain death is still, for many always a "black hole of knowledge " and thus a brake on organ donation. These shortcomings of the people I want - along with many others - seeking to eliminate. For this I use all possible means, ie newspaper and radio interviews, TV appearances, direct address of the people, events, this regular blog, and many more. Why all this? Are they the similar activities of BZgA , the DSO , the not health ministries at federal and countries and many other enough? No, unfortunately! Most people in our country are too lazy to fill and immobile. They are also predominantly only interested in their own things, but not the common good and the state, which they will eventually even themselves, and they must share as citizens. If I imagine that next year 2010 probably serious changes in the field of organ donation and transplant medicine are in Europe (see interview by Prof. Lily ), then I'm coming into great consideration. If I also change the law in the Israeli Transplantation think after that it will continue a "weighting need for transplantation ", then already well recognized in the future reaching change in the field of transplant medicine. A next step could be that only wealthy or very well insured patients to expect the allocation of a needed organ. This rather unattractive prospect, and the wide ignorance existing in the population is fundamental for my efforts. However, this is the reason for today's cartoon shown. The problem is named therein have, in fact, in this form is no longer out of hand. My readers may simply think of the constant controversy about the "electronic health card . That is why today I have chosen on my fourth birthday, this cartoon and this topic. With these thoughts I wish all my readers and friends a peaceful and beautiful fourth Advent Sunday. Tomorrow it goes back further with the presentation already begun to brain death and its diagnosis. Wishing you all a friendly Buen Camino Lothar
Friday, December 18, 2009
Veronika Moser Filmek
17th December 2009
Good day, dear reader. Today I come to continue the day before yesterday launched part on organ donation, brain death and transplantation. So if a man is so ill that he is likely to die, the question arises: when is this patient irreversibly dead? What can not be changed for this indicator? How can this be diagnosed absolutely reliable? We come to the most difficult point of the whole issue of organ donation and transplantation medicine. To better Understanding a few words about today's picture, which was provided by Swiss transplant doctors for teaching purposes. The left picture clearly a part of the brain with blood can be seen. So this man lives. In the right part of the blood flow is interrupted to the brain and the entire area of the brain shows no blood flows. This man is clearly dead. It is a brain-dead patients. This seemingly "soft" diagnosis is more difficult, considering the steps that lead to brain death. An obituary statement that our citizens understand the most part not understand it. And yet is this statement a prerequisite for organ donation. Recent Developments demonstrate more clearly the problems of acceptance of people with the brain death. Thus been in a public statement of the DSO -Central Region made exactly that. Now for the parts of the brain death diagnosis that are "back No way" in the DSO brochure well described. And yet many people remain curious, mostly non-understand things that are often no viable answers given. These are questions such as " why a person is dead, if only 3% of it (the brain - see the picture above) are dead, but the rest apparently lives " or " is why it moves to a brain-dead Patients with organ removal ? Questions so that fuel the insecurity of people and get and run too often, to reject an organ donation. This general remark controls anticipated. The brain as a central aspect of human consciousness and feel all the emotions, feelings ., pain, etc. This raises the people - in response to the evidence of brain death - the fundamental question of what constitutes human life as it is the sum of the institutions that receive even to the brain machine almost as long? can be. Or is the essence of man more than a functioning biological entity? A very difficult to represent process in which there is disagreement. There is no doubt well aware that death is the last part of life and recognized that takes place in five stages. Even a dying man is still alive. And there is only one human death. While there are for the diagnosis of brain death clear, recognized and practiced procedures, while the coroner has dead spots , rigor mortis and putrefaction as valid and reliable sign of death determined. This, dear friends, I will leave it for today, at this point. A little time is required for many to get that now all classified, own research make and, ultimately, to understand them. Therefore, it will continue in the next blog. To all of you to a nice weekend of Advent, we experience this time in the freezing cold. Nevertheless, it's somehow beautiful. Wishing you all a beautiful snowy day and a friendly Buen Camino Lothar
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Make Some Blueprints Online
Dec 2009 (Barsinghausen)
Good day, dear friends. Once again it is time to talk about organ donation and transplantation medicine. A basic requirement is that a donor is available. Thus, the starting point is given a variety of issues and problems that most people do not realize. It's in the hospital in which a Man dies, go to a central question. This question to the members is: are the members or the patient agrees (alive of course) with organ donation? If the patient has specifically requested it, or maybe even impossible for themselves? questions of this kind are of course difficult to make in the highly emotional and tense atmosphere of the impending death of a close relative - and to answer much more difficult. In this situation appear to questions like "is our national really dead, but he breathes " or " he feels no pain in organ donation? . difficult questions and not easy to answer after all, is for all involved high time pressure. For the members, their family member does not want to die in a hectic environment with unclear issues. But even for intensive care, the (possibly) want to harvest organs to save the lives of other seriously ill patients. This, dear friends, the question arises as to the diagnosis of brain death. I know, so just before Christmas a unbequemte, a troublesome question. One question that confronts the people with the problem ansich subject of his own death. Before this, my readers but I will say more yet to make clear why " this issue just this close to Christmas comes " Dear friends in the villages, yesterday, four years ago, on December 15, 2005 -. I have a so-called false alarm A man had died, his relatives were -. like any other well also - in a hopeless thought, feeling involved and mourning structure. In this situation they have chosen to donate organs. Unfortunately, now was not the lungs of deceased human transplant portable, because he was suffering already from COPD and blood values showed enhanced still further for hepatitis A to and B. Transplantation excluded and consequently canceled. This is called false alarm. The relatives of the deceased will not be in this situation, confronted with further questions. The Organ recipients died a little farther, because his hope died literally with this not transplantable organs. How does (or what concerns me personally, was) now? Badly it went. Literally. My organ donor is deceased and his lungs could not save my life. It began again the wait. Waiting in a state of agony and consisted of dawn. From only half perceptions. The high CO2 content in Blug like a drug addict. Where did I wait? A new organ donor, who was also as sick as I do? Or about my own death? A question that no one could answer in this situation. My wife, my doctor and I do not. A really desperate, hopeless situation in which I was then. With me, of course, Ewa and my family. And just before Christmas, my impending fatal termination. A perspective on life, which counted only after hours or days. The only enough for a death without any questions or contaminated sites. My way forward, many questions and many more impressions and I'll tell you tomorrow in the next part of my blog - and of course you step on a goal lead but this very private accounts. I wish you a peaceful order and peaceful evening. Tomorrow we see each other again. Buen Camino! Your Lothar
Monday, December 14, 2009
Shoulf You Go To Work With A Chest Infection
14th Dec 2009 (Barsinghausen)
Good day, dear friends and of course to all my readers in the country. As always, there is reason to talk about much and lose a few words in their own right. But I will just start with today's cartoon, which I - called "black and yellow pus " - not without reason. It says so aptly, that " fish begins to stink at the head" . This is now nationally and internationally so, because the Italians are with Mr Berlusconi the German love affair between Angela Merkel and Guido Westerwelle in nothing. Well, except for the fact that we have no blood is shed. This is to say, that everywhere on this planet acting of the political actors. In the face of the Government of Italy is beaten bloody, with us, the prime minister turned by the mangle. And almost from the USA to Afghanistan to Uganda's nothing in the Lot. In the U.S., Obama is drawn to the tails long, die in Afghanistan, the falsehoods of the Polti your alliance and Uganda in Africa, even the homosexuals should be executed. Of the Chinese smart "Sauber men" who's only too happy to chase the opposition of the Uyghur, to the Tibetans and the Falun Gong, I will not even talk about whether this "blend strong" cleanliness. Just a pity that China is a strong to very strong economy and nation the entrepreneurs from all countries for the "Toad" from the Middle Kingdom drool. If I spray corrosive cynicism should I say earlier, people ate more peaceful lentil soup, which - if it went well - included a sausage. Today it must - in the sense of a "slightly modified" - crossover marketing already a bill stew of hard currencies to be tasty cents from American, Canadian and European origin . A truly delicious potpourri . Really, a beautiful world from which the very good and expensive educated young people in Germany fast pace in the U.S., Norway, Switzerland, Australia and other countries lucrative disappear. In countries where they have their own power a perspective. In countries that honor their knowledge and skills. Not like a doctor in Germany (as the Cicero) to "hospital officials" are converted. Or like a garbage workers, who earn in Australia, the double of what an academic would get admission to the occupation in Germany. landing speech - short: the politics in our country makes semi fuller and the hungry hungrier. What perfidy is because of the (in the broadest sense ) operated ancestors, only to the young people as possible into old age to "water carriers" to make the (then still older) citizens of our country. This principle works just as the allotment or perhaps more accurately - Distribution economy of our country. Let me be clear, simple and understandable: Pension rights must of every citizen can be purchased. It must not create a automatism that the younger forces to perform, only to ultimately acquire more and more claims can be reduced. Somehow it stigmatize in a little more tangible dimensions unfair, extremely ill with the words to that there is no suitable organs for transplantation is. People live on only through a donation can. Just people who are virtually reached the "zero point" of their lives and their expected life span, only one in days. Why, I ask, can not these people quickly, not to be helped more effectively? Why do these people suffer or even die? Why not make the members more - every day - die a little bit? If provided hundreds of billions in a few days to rescue banks, then I ask these "rescuers" if they are of "feed banknotes?" No, No, and I repeat, no - these people eat like me, as I drink, breathe air like I do and live as I do. Like any else! Can anyone explain why money should be worth more than life, as air than blood? This can not be and, folks, I'm pissed this money and political barons who deal with our life as if it were merely a position in their profit and loss account. To make it easy to formulate in one sentence: Banks and companies can save money and commitment - people and their lives ebenso.m But by the same means! In this sense - and with these words - I urge the people in our country to start to rethink again and think about the principle of charity. The work by the way, not only between firms or corporations - no, very well between even people. In this sense, my friends, I wish you a pleasant evening and a good time with a friendly Buen Camino by Lothar

Sunday, December 13, 2009
My Engagement Wishes Sms
13th Dec 2009 (Barsinghausen)
all my readers I wish a beautiful and peaceful third Advent Sunday. However, that day is not quite as peaceful as it would be desirable in some respects. Mr. Carstensen has made the trip to Berlin to literally move together with Mr. Koppelin the German " upper mom" Angela Merkel to my body. And because the " hew each other" so refreshing and fun is making involved, are now Mr. Wulff also to participate in this scramble million. Remember: every man for himself is when it comes to the "golden pots . Since not even include all of the current coalition made and approved agreements and arrangements, which were finally formulated in a coalition agreement of 124 pages and approved by special party conferences. Even a diligent heads roll after four weeks has gripped around. Only had two top officials of the Defense go, then even the ministers themselves His followers Guttenberg has forgotten its best efforts, fined and cheated. Happy is the one "perfect chair" In a ministerial office. If current allegations of Jürgen Trittin , we have a few weeks a full-blown government crisis. a crisis, the central point of the international credibility of this country and its government. This, however, the mixed soup "really appetizing" is also has the new Umeltminister Röttgen nachgeholfen a little. His comments on environmental conference in Copenhagen have something savory: his statement after the new coal plants are less harmful to the environment is somehow outrageous and a slap to the former Angela Merkel Umweltministeriun. In this context, would this World Climate Conference are actually renamed money climate conference - everyone wants to pay for everything without a dime. Wealth and prosperity is not forever. Especially not at the expense of the poor and the weak of this world! Last but not least: the age of colonialism is over. It is over for the modern version of colonialism. Finally! This short excursion into the problems of the world should also make clear that our new Health Minister Philipp Rösler has plans while here as a doctor, fewer design and implementation experience as a politician, however. However, he must be credited with that he apparently does not always consistent line taken by party leader Westerwelle is also considered and some critical. Roesler has finally not the ever-increasing waiting lists - or rather, its length - to answer for. These waiting lists are, however, almost like growing gateways to less and less solvable problems. Almost like an all-devouring black hole . In such a black hole, perhaps our government seems to want to sink all day pressing (and increasingly oppressive) problems: economic and financial crisis, Demographic change, education and poor education, without prospects and rebellious teenagers and many more. No, this is not a tirade. There is no Glossary text. But this article is simply bundled address the existing problems - in a sense the " salty finger into the wound " basket. It has to do hurt when something is still moving. Otherwise move but only the back of the chair from left to right. Or go back. But a few words on the waiting list: the fact there are people in need because of a terminal illness, a new organ. These waiting lists are, at best, not less, often even longer. Longer means an average of about three people who die every day. In all parts of Germany - is not noticeably better than any other region. For correction of these tragic Development is necessary to improve the sensitivity of the people and their awareness of organ donation. This requires that schools must meet the increased training teachers on organ donation and transplantation. Also, all certified transplant centers in Germany should have to accommodate students in pure learning internships. Ultimately, ( to eliminate a variety of structural defects and deficiencies ) all states in at least one third of its hospitals to install a transplant officer. Only these paths lead to an effective reduction of the waiting lists and so to a greater number of transplanted patients which then again may be able to work. Comparable action, meaning beyond self-interest, defense of sinecures and really committed to the democratic idea action would be in accordance with our politicians in federal, provincial and local authorities to shame. Our citizens have a right to receive the many problems the best possible solution. It's not about the preservation of the politicians, and it comes to preserving our social structures in a working environment. With these more critical words I wish all my readers a peaceful and pleasant third Sunday of Advent. Furthermore, a beautiful Christmas season and a friendly Buen Camino wishes Lothar
Friday, December 11, 2009
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Tax Deduction For Donating Office Space
09th Dec 2009 (Barsinghausen)
Dear friends, on 07-12-2009 I was a guest on a talk show on Reinhold Beckmann . topics were: the organ donation and transplantation medicine. background: about a year ago the brother of Beckmann after the second lung transplant has died. The theme is of course again an emotional "Christmas theme". But must not be forgotten, dying day by day (on average) more than three people because too few organs are available. From this standpoint, therefore, each and every time hanger suitable, correct and important. Only the people who have experienced as patients or as members of the daily growing stronger desire for the saving organ, can comprehend and understand. legitimate questions and concerns move but currently the public. questions after the diagnosis of brain death , questions on the Non-Heart-Beating Donor , questions about the process of dying and his course. A very difficult topic that is very controversial, but is mostly ignored by the individual. And yet it is increasingly becoming a social issue must be, for example if transplant surgeons argue that brain death is not the death of man. Instead they speak of the necessity of the so-called " justified killing " < see arguments for the inalienable right to life > as one of the surgeons acceptable and not punitive scheme - a scheme so well very very hard on the border to euthanasia. Even in these brief remarks, designs and colored links you see how complex and difficult this topic is. It is required even of doctors (including members of the Federal Medical Council in Berlin) of the so-called "Non-Heart-Beating Donor (NHBD). Dear friends, I am of course perfectly clear that this review will stimulate a subliminally already ongoing discussion on. But it is here Hanelt to questions that are not made only by individuals but even more answers in the broader sense at the international basis. And if it's in Germany are also known as the NHBD demand, then this is just another reason to conduct this debate in our society. this I wish you all out there in the country a great day. If you have ideas or thoughts on this article have, then they let me know. A friendly Buen Camino wish you Lothar

Monday, December 7, 2009
Herb In Mexican Salsa
07th Dec 2009 (Hamburg)
Good morning, dear friends. This Image will appear one or the other certainly a little macabre, but it is the point in human life, every human being once reached. Then the question arises as to the release of the bodies of the deceased. is most often provided by doctors to the bereaved families, the question whether the institutions of this man be released on organ donation. In general, these people in such a situation are hopelessly overwhelmed with such a far-reaching decision. They are also uncertain about the presumed intention of the deceased. is unfortunately in our country the subject of death usually suppressed consistently. There are no discussions or joint decisions about their own death place and it will support the decision on organ donation "hidden". These relatively simple explanation is the main reason why many - too many - Institutions missing! Therefore, dying every day on average three people because they do not receive an organ in time. a pity game, in fact. And everyone has to take on his own nose when it comes to organ donation - any discussions on the pros and cons of organ donation or organ removal notwithstanding. I know what I mean, because I myself have nearly two years located in the hospital and wait for a new lung. That is dying in small pieces. Every day a little more. The CO2 content in the blood rises without end (in my case, this value was finally 84.4%) - accordingly, the oxygen content drops in the blood. In the end you have too much to die and too little to live. place this evening will be a discussion on organ donation and transplantation medicine at Beckmann . The guest list can expect an exciting round. Therefore you see this show just to me, O hear the sound of patients and their families and is considering you, whether it is more useful to live without a donor card. Establishes facts and crosses on the back of this organ donor card, what you want. Let your loved ones in the event of your dying out in the rain will decide itself this I wish you a nice and sunny Day and evening on TV at Beckmann exciting entertainment. Buen Camino! Your Lothar
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Teak Hardwood Calgary
04th Dec 2009 (Barsinghausen - Wremen)
This, dear friends, is - after a long break - today's goal: a weekend in the open, rainy North Sea in Wremen . The town is located about halfway between Bremerhaven and Cuxhaven on the edge of Wurster country. But why this rather long break will ask some. So, my wife and I just need some time for us, and we mean not only got a few minutes "in passing". Therefore, we have some short trips and a cruise made to cure various Wehwechen (which everyone at increasing age even infested) and reserved in significant time for us. Currently I prepare a television appearance before where it's about the people bringing the issue of organ donation and transplantation medicine close. In everything but in the next week, because now it's time for the weekend only to Wremen. To all of you out there a good and nice weekend in December and an equally nice Buen Camino wish Lothar
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