14th Dec 2009 (Barsinghausen)
Good day, dear friends and of course to all my readers in the country. As always, there is reason to talk about much and lose a few words in their own right. But I will just start with today's cartoon, which I - called "black and yellow pus " - not without reason. It says so aptly, that " fish begins to stink at the head" . This is now nationally and internationally so, because the Italians are with Mr Berlusconi the German love affair between Angela Merkel and Guido Westerwelle in nothing. Well, except for the fact that we have no blood is shed. This is to say, that everywhere on this planet acting of the political actors. In the face of the Government of Italy is beaten bloody, with us, the prime minister turned by the mangle. And almost from the USA to Afghanistan to Uganda's nothing in the Lot. In the U.S., Obama is drawn to the tails long, die in Afghanistan, the falsehoods of the Polti your alliance and Uganda in Africa, even the homosexuals should be executed. Of the Chinese smart "Sauber men" who's only too happy to chase the opposition of the Uyghur, to the Tibetans and the Falun Gong, I will not even talk about whether this "blend strong" cleanliness. Just a pity that China is a strong to very strong economy and nation the entrepreneurs from all countries for the "Toad" from the Middle Kingdom drool. If I spray corrosive cynicism should I say earlier, people ate more peaceful lentil soup, which - if it went well - included a sausage. Today it must - in the sense of a "slightly modified" - crossover marketing already a bill stew of hard currencies to be tasty cents from American, Canadian and European origin . A truly delicious potpourri . Really, a beautiful world from which the very good and expensive educated young people in Germany fast pace in the U.S., Norway, Switzerland, Australia and other countries lucrative disappear. In countries where they have their own power a perspective. In countries that honor their knowledge and skills. Not like a doctor in Germany (as the Cicero) to "hospital officials" are converted. Or like a garbage workers, who earn in Australia, the double of what an academic would get admission to the occupation in Germany. landing speech - short: the politics in our country makes semi fuller and the hungry hungrier. What perfidy is because of the (in the broadest sense ) operated ancestors, only to the young people as possible into old age to "water carriers" to make the (then still older) citizens of our country. This principle works just as the allotment or perhaps more accurately - Distribution economy of our country. Let me be clear, simple and understandable: Pension rights must of every citizen can be purchased. It must not create a automatism that the younger forces to perform, only to ultimately acquire more and more claims can be reduced. Somehow it stigmatize in a little more tangible dimensions unfair, extremely ill with the words to that there is no suitable organs for transplantation is. People live on only through a donation can. Just people who are virtually reached the "zero point" of their lives and their expected life span, only one in days. Why, I ask, can not these people quickly, not to be helped more effectively? Why do these people suffer or even die? Why not make the members more - every day - die a little bit? If provided hundreds of billions in a few days to rescue banks, then I ask these "rescuers" if they are of "feed banknotes?" No, No, and I repeat, no - these people eat like me, as I drink, breathe air like I do and live as I do. Like any else! Can anyone explain why money should be worth more than life, as air than blood? This can not be and, folks, I'm pissed this money and political barons who deal with our life as if it were merely a position in their profit and loss account. To make it easy to formulate in one sentence: Banks and companies can save money and commitment - people and their lives ebenso.m But by the same means! In this sense - and with these words - I urge the people in our country to start to rethink again and think about the principle of charity. The work by the way, not only between firms or corporations - no, very well between even people. In this sense, my friends, I wish you a pleasant evening and a good time with a friendly Buen Camino by Lothar
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