Thursday, December 3, 2009

Teak Hardwood Calgary

04th Dec 2009 (Barsinghausen - Wremen)

This, dear friends, is - after a long break - today's goal: a weekend in the open, rainy North Sea in Wremen . The town is located about halfway between Bremerhaven and Cuxhaven on the edge of Wurster country.

But why this rather long break will ask some. So, my wife and I just need some time for us, and we mean not only got a few minutes "in passing". Therefore, we have some short trips and a cruise made to cure various Wehwechen (which everyone at increasing age even infested) and reserved in significant time for us.

Currently I prepare a television appearance before where it's about the people bringing the issue of organ donation and transplantation medicine close. In everything but in the next week, because now it's time for the weekend only to Wremen. To all of you out there a good and nice weekend in December and an equally nice Buen Camino wish Lothar


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