13th Dec 2009 (Barsinghausen)
all my readers I wish a beautiful and peaceful third Advent Sunday. However, that day is not quite as peaceful as it would be desirable in some respects. Mr. Carstensen has made the trip to Berlin to literally move together with Mr. Koppelin the German " upper mom" Angela Merkel to my body. And because the " hew each other" so refreshing and fun is making involved, are now Mr. Wulff also to participate in this scramble million. Remember: every man for himself is when it comes to the "golden pots . Since not even include all of the current coalition made and approved agreements and arrangements, which were finally formulated in a coalition agreement of 124 pages and approved by special party conferences. Even a diligent heads roll after four weeks has gripped around. Only had two top officials of the Defense go, then even the ministers themselves His followers Guttenberg has forgotten its best efforts, fined and cheated. Happy is the one "perfect chair" In a ministerial office. If current allegations of Jürgen Trittin , we have a few weeks a full-blown government crisis. a crisis, the central point of the international credibility of this country and its government. This, however, the mixed soup "really appetizing" is also has the new Umeltminister Röttgen nachgeholfen a little. His comments on environmental conference in Copenhagen have something savory: his statement after the new coal plants are less harmful to the environment is somehow outrageous and a slap to the former Angela Merkel Umweltministeriun. In this context, would this World Climate Conference are actually renamed money climate conference - everyone wants to pay for everything without a dime. Wealth and prosperity is not forever. Especially not at the expense of the poor and the weak of this world! Last but not least: the age of colonialism is over. It is over for the modern version of colonialism. Finally! This short excursion into the problems of the world should also make clear that our new Health Minister Philipp Rösler has plans while here as a doctor, fewer design and implementation experience as a politician, however. However, he must be credited with that he apparently does not always consistent line taken by party leader Westerwelle is also considered and some critical. Roesler has finally not the ever-increasing waiting lists - or rather, its length - to answer for. These waiting lists are, however, almost like growing gateways to less and less solvable problems. Almost like an all-devouring black hole . In such a black hole, perhaps our government seems to want to sink all day pressing (and increasingly oppressive) problems: economic and financial crisis, Demographic change, education and poor education, without prospects and rebellious teenagers and many more. No, this is not a tirade. There is no Glossary text. But this article is simply bundled address the existing problems - in a sense the " salty finger into the wound " basket. It has to do hurt when something is still moving. Otherwise move but only the back of the chair from left to right. Or go back. But a few words on the waiting list: the fact there are people in need because of a terminal illness, a new organ. These waiting lists are, at best, not less, often even longer. Longer means an average of about three people who die every day. In all parts of Germany - is not noticeably better than any other region. For correction of these tragic Development is necessary to improve the sensitivity of the people and their awareness of organ donation. This requires that schools must meet the increased training teachers on organ donation and transplantation. Also, all certified transplant centers in Germany should have to accommodate students in pure learning internships. Ultimately, ( to eliminate a variety of structural defects and deficiencies ) all states in at least one third of its hospitals to install a transplant officer. Only these paths lead to an effective reduction of the waiting lists and so to a greater number of transplanted patients which then again may be able to work. Comparable action, meaning beyond self-interest, defense of sinecures and really committed to the democratic idea action would be in accordance with our politicians in federal, provincial and local authorities to shame. Our citizens have a right to receive the many problems the best possible solution. It's not about the preservation of the politicians, and it comes to preserving our social structures in a working environment. With these more critical words I wish all my readers a peaceful and pleasant third Sunday of Advent. Furthermore, a beautiful Christmas season and a friendly Buen Camino wishes Lothar
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