09th Dec 2009 (Barsinghausen)
Dear friends, on 07-12-2009 I was a guest on a talk show on Reinhold Beckmann . topics were: the organ donation and transplantation medicine. background: about a year ago the brother of Beckmann after the second lung transplant has died. The theme is of course again an emotional "Christmas theme". But must not be forgotten, dying day by day (on average) more than three people because too few organs are available. From this standpoint, therefore, each and every time hanger suitable, correct and important. Only the people who have experienced as patients or as members of the daily growing stronger desire for the saving organ, can comprehend and understand. legitimate questions and concerns move but currently the public. questions after the diagnosis of brain death , questions on the Non-Heart-Beating Donor , questions about the process of dying and his course. A very difficult topic that is very controversial, but is mostly ignored by the individual. And yet it is increasingly becoming a social issue must be, for example if transplant surgeons argue that brain death is not the death of man. Instead they speak of the necessity of the so-called " justified killing " < see arguments for the inalienable right to life > as one of the surgeons acceptable and not punitive scheme - a scheme so well very very hard on the border to euthanasia. Even in these brief remarks, designs and colored links you see how complex and difficult this topic is. It is required even of doctors (including members of the Federal Medical Council in Berlin) of the so-called "Non-Heart-Beating Donor (NHBD). Dear friends, I am of course perfectly clear that this review will stimulate a subliminally already ongoing discussion on. But it is here Hanelt to questions that are not made only by individuals but even more answers in the broader sense at the international basis. And if it's in Germany are also known as the NHBD demand, then this is just another reason to conduct this debate in our society. this I wish you all out there in the country a great day. If you have ideas or thoughts on this article have, then they let me know. A friendly Buen Camino wish you Lothar
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